CN ("C'mon now"), WTF ("What the fuck") am I STD ("Supposed to do")? HaHaHa—you thought I meant sexually-transmitted disease. Admit it.
I JDGI ("Just don't get it"). Seriously. Do you? Man...
For example, WWSD ("What would Shakespeare do")? I'll tell you WGWD ("What Grabowski would do"). In a nut (back off, Ians of the world!), I might HTLMM ("Have to lose my mind") over this HHS ("Happy horse shit").
IF ("In fact"), I just did.
POYLP ("Proud of yourselves, little people")?
YSB ("You should be").
GALYCAO ("Go ahead, laugh your collective ass off").
YS ("You've succeeded").
NGRAB ("Now go read a book").
WAIASPBAIP ("What am I, another sock puppet bitching about Internet 'Protocol'?)
WY ("Well, yeah.")
Lighten up! Simply appreciate my well-intentioned jest! It means nothing. NOTHING, I tell you. Ignore my words. You don't have time for this self-indulgent noodling.
YIVOLIKEWVALNPDAUM ("Your intentional vandalization of language is killing everything we value about lyricism, nuance, poetic depth, and ultimate meaningfullness.") Crapshinski—is "meaningfullness" even a valid word?
Figure it out (or FIO)....
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